2013년 12월 10일 화요일

What is the meaning of art?
             Topic of the today’s blog is “What is the meaning of art to you?” Art is most important subject that we have to learn. Art is involves in everything such as game, painting, fashion and movie etc… They all include little bit of art which means art is important for everything in the world. We commonly associate art in terms of a painting or a sculpture we see in a museum or an art gallery, nonetheless, art is everywhere around us in many forms and holds a significant value in our lives. This article would talk about Art and its importance in our lives.I respect all the artist in the world. It is difficult to describe “Art” in literal terms, but broadly it is understood to be a form to express one’s feelings through any object or medium like paper, music, colours, technology, magic, photography etc. It could be abstract, realistic, naturalistic, conceptual, and inspirational. It is agreeable that we are surrounded by Art and also rely on it in our daily routine. When we enter someone’s home, it is difficult to stop ourselves to appreciate the way the living room is decorated. You would find rhythm and harmony in the way furniture are placed; photographs adorn a wall, paintings hung above the sofa or any particular artefact placed in a corner or centre piece on a coffee table etc. This is also art, one doesn’t have to be a painter to be an artist, how an individual expresses him/herself, uses imagination and creative energy to embellish and decorate the surrounding. Arts have many forms like visual and performing arts are the ones that could be related easily.
Like Picasso he drew a lot of paintings that has symbol in it. Born in Málaga, Spain, in 1881, Pablo Picasso, became one of the greatest and most influential artists of the 20th century and the creator (with Georges Braque) of Cubism. A Spanish expatriate painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist and stage designer, Picasso was considered radical in his work. After a long prolific career, he died on April 8, 1973, in Mougins, France. The enormous body of Picasso's work remains, however, and the legend lives on—a tribute to the vitality of the "disquieting" Spaniard with the "sombrepiercing" eyes who superstitiously believed that work would keep him alive. For nearly 80 of his 91 years, Picasso devoted himself to an artistic production that contributed significantly to—and paralleled the entire development of—modern art in the 20th century. Though he was a relatively poor student, Picasso displayed a prodigious talent for drawing at a very young age.
According to legend, his first words were "piz, piz," his childish attempt at saying "lápiz," the Spanish word for pencil. Picasso's father began teaching him to draw and paint when he was a child, and by the time he was 13 years old, his skill level had surpassed his father's. Soon, Picasso lost all desire to do any schoolwork, choosing to spend the school days doodling in his notebook instead. "For being a bad student, I was banished to the 'calaboose,' a bare cell with whitewashed walls and a bench to sit on," he later remembered. "I liked it there, because I took along a sketch pad and drew incessantly ... I could have stayed there forever, drawing without stopping." Like this, Picasso is really great painter in the world and he describe well about his feeling with his paintings.

2013년 12월 9일 월요일

Meaning of life
             Today’s blog topic is “What’s meaning of life to you?” Mostly people want to be a pleasure seeker and they are likely to find success and happy life. To me, happy life is finding everlasting love for my whole life. So I can say that meaning of the success is finding love from the world. Love can be find everywhere and especially from my family. To success my life I have to do good behavior for my parents and my goal is make my whole family to be happy forever. This year, I decided my mind that I will never complain to my mom for anything as possibly I can. I know that my parents spend a lot of time to raise me since when I was baby and until now, and I really appreciate that. When I grow up, I will make them happy forever and that thing will be difficult but I will try best for making my parents happy. Right now, I’m student and my job is study hard and behaves like a student not like adult. To make my parents happy will be study hard in high school and try to not behave badly for now. And my goal is go to good university and make my whole my family happy and not only that but also don’t make them worry anymore when I became an adult.
             If I can, I just want to live happily all the time in my life. However, getting happy life is hard and difficult because, there is a lot of an obstacle around the world and a lot of dangerous problems in the world. You can choose to be happy, they say. You can chase down that elusive butterfly and get it to sit on your shoulder. How? In part, by simply making the effort to monitor the workings of your mind. Research has shown that your talent for happiness is, to a large degree, determined by your genes. Psychology professor David T. Lykken, author of Happiness: Its Nature and Nurture, says that "trying to be happier is like trying to be taller." We each have a "happiness set point," he argues, and move away from it only slightly. The first step, however, is to make a conscious choice to boost your happiness. In his book, The Conquest of Happiness, published in 1930, the philosopher Bertrand Russell had this to say: "Happiness is not, except in very rare cases, something that drops into the mouth, like a ripe fruit. ... Happiness must be, for most men and women, an achievement rather than a gift of the gods, and in this achievement, effort, both inward and outward, must play a great part." 
If you stop doing these things people can be happy. People make mistakes.  Employees don't meet your expectations. Vendors don't deliver on time. So you blame them  for your problems. But you're also to blame. Maybe you didn't provide enough training. Maybe you didn't build in enough of a buffer. Maybe you asked too much, too soon. Taking  responsibility when things go wrong instead of blaming others isn't masochistic, it's empowering—because then you focus on doing things better or smarter next time. And when you get better or smarter, you also get happier. Plus, control is short term at best, because it often requires force, or fear, or authority, or some form of pressure—none of those let you feel good about yourself. Find people who want to go where you're going. They'll work harder, have more fun, and create better business and personal relationships. And all of you  will be happier.

2013년 12월 3일 화요일

What do you think about justice?
Topic of the today’s blog is “What do you think about justice?” I firmly believe that justice is most important thing in the world. Without justice there will be a lot of criminals around the world and it would be dangerous. Every people want a peace society not a dangerous society. That’s why there is police station and court in our world. Justice is symbol of fair and police and court use this word whenever they arrest someone or punish bad people. Justice is often used interchangeably with the word "fairness." In any situation, be it in a courtroom, at the workplace or in line at the local bar, we want to be treated fairly. We shouldn't be judged more harshly because of our skin color, we shouldn't be paid any less because of our gender, and we shouldn't have to wait longer for a drink because of what we're wearing. We feel we deserve equal and impartial treatment. The word "justice" appears in many of the United States' most important documents, including the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Pledge of Allegiance. But for a word that's used so often, its precise definition is still a topic of debate for philosophers, theologians and legislators. 
we have this desire for equality and fairness, the assurance of justice is usually a prerequisite for a good society. For a leader to have legitimacy among his or her constituents, he or she must find ways to ensure that the laws of the land are just and administered justly. Of course, history is littered with examples of governments that were unjust to some citizens. One such example would be the era of slavery in the United States. Black people weren't afforded the same rights as white people, and it took many years for the government to recognize black people as whites' equals.
However, Such an example raises the question of what's to be done when an injustice is committed. Over the years, many black people have asked the government to make restitution for the years of unequal treatment that their ancestors received. When any crime or abuse is committed, we want justice, both for the offender and for the victim. For the offender, justice means that crimes don't go unpunished, but also that the punishment fits the crime. We treat a 13-year-old who stole a pack of gum differently than we treat a grown man who commits homicide, so justice has some flexibility in its administration. For a victim, justice may be seeing a criminal put behind bars, or it may be monetary -- the goal is to make the victim feel equal again.
The importance of justice is not only to let the bad reap punishment and the good reap rewards it is making sure that the person who did the crime get the help he or she needs. Criminal Profiling is a method of identifying the perpetrator of a crime based on an analysis of the nature of the offense and the manner in which it was committed. It most notably can be traced back to work done in the later part of the last century, and possibly even earlier in a variety of forms. There has been a definite growth since this early work, with many individuals doing a great deal of both research and practical work in criminal profiling. The investigative technique has recently risen in popularity both in practical use and media portrayals. 

2013년 12월 1일 일요일

What do you think about truth?
Today’s blog’s topic is “What do you think about the truth?” Truth is essential thing for people. People who have truth are usually good people and other people can trust those people. Whenever people talk each other, they should have truth in their conversation. Like this truth takes important role in relationship between person to person. Even in the tale in United States, Washington story is really famous with discussing about the truth. In this story, Washington cut his dad’s favorite tree and his dad got mad. Washington’s dad asked Washington that did he cut or not. Washington was honor guy and he told the truth to his dad that he cut his dad’s tree. His dad didn’t criticize him. He did even said complement to Washington and he said that he’s so thankful about telling the truth.
Like this even before, truth was important and it will be important forever, because we could'nt live without trust. Trust is important because you cannot get close to and maintain friendships or relationships of any kind if you don't trust anyone. Some people, of course, cannot be trusted no matter what. We all need someone who we can trust, to confide in, talk to about things that are personal or that bother us so that we can get input and work through them.
Trust in each other gives strength and vitality to our relationships. It gives us inner happiness, which is priceless. It brings joy all around and life appears brighter and brighter. Its fragrance spreads far and wide. Trust keeps us in a positive mental framework. When you trust each other you feel self-confident. The feeling of believing others is electrifying. It not only provides sense of security but provides us new zeal to fight the vagaries of life. Trusting each other gives us a sense of deep bonding. It signifies that we are united to fight the battles ahead. 
Building up trust is not easy. A lot of conscious effort has to be made in this direction. We need to nurture our relationships with care. We should not let our ego destroy our relationships. This requires making constant efforts to know each other fully. The more we explore each other the more we can handle each others contradictions well. After all most of the problems in relationships occur because we do not want to open up. As a result we tend to look at others with doubt. We live in our own world of likes and dislikes, as we are not able to create a right balance. No doubt, people tend to view us with suspicion. If we are balanced and mature in our thoughts and action, people will trust us. For this we must shed the habit of finding fault with others even on a slight pretext. Instead we should identify and make others aware of their positive traits and strengths. This will enhance our credibility, which will lead to building trust. We must not indulge in unhealthy competition by trying to outwit each other. Instead we should master the art of rejoicing in the happiness of others. Good performance of others should spur us to act in a positive manner. Being jealous and competitive will be of no use as it will lead to destroying trust. People have to have trust each other to make peace world and better society.