“How do I connect to others?” is a
topic for the today’s blog. In society, people have to connect to each other to
communicate well and make better society.
I guess connection between person to person is really important, because
it can make them to have better communication and good communications lead
world to become stronger and having less problems. I also need a lot of
communications with friends and parents whenever I have problems that I can’t
solve very well on my own. Serious communication can really connect to other
people and me. Whenever I have problems, I usually use serious communication
with friends or parents. This serious communication can relive my mind and
sometime some advices from them can really help to solve my problems.
There is a step to get good communication from relationship
between person to person. First one is speak warmly. If
you drop the pitch of your voice and talk more slowly, the listener will
respond with greater trust. When we are angry, excited, or frightened, we raise
the pitch and intensity of our voices, and it varies a lot in speed and tone.
On the other hand, a warm supportive voice is the sign of leadership and will
generate more satisfaction, commitment, and cooperation between members of your
team. Then Be
brief. Limit your
speaking to 30 seconds or less. Our conscious minds retain only a tiny bit of
information. If you need to communicate something essential, share it in even
smaller segments— a sentence or two— then wait for the person to acknowledge
they’ve understood. If the person remains silent, say another sentence or two,
and then pause again. It also helps to write down major points before the conversation.
that, Slow down. Slowing down your speech actually helps people
understand what you are saying and deepens their respect for you. It's not as
intuitive as it may seem, and as children we automatically speak fast. But you
can teach a child to slow down by speaking slowly yourself because they’ll
match you. A slow voice has a calming effect on a person who is feeling
anxious, whereas a loud, fast voice stimulates excitement, anger, or fear