What is the meaning of art?
2013년 12월 10일 화요일
2013년 12월 9일 월요일
Meaning of life
2013년 12월 3일 화요일
do you think about justice?
The importance of
justice is not only to let the bad reap punishment and the good reap rewards it
is making sure that the person who did the crime get the help he or she needs. Criminal Profiling is a method of
identifying the perpetrator of a crime based on an analysis of the nature of
the offense and the manner in which it was committed. It most notably can be
traced back to work done in the later part of the last century, and possibly
even earlier in a variety of forms. There has been a definite growth since this
early work, with many individuals doing a great deal of both research and
practical work in criminal profiling. The investigative technique has recently
risen in popularity both in practical use and media portrayals.
2013년 12월 1일 일요일
do you think about truth?
Trust in each other gives strength and vitality to our
relationships. It gives us inner happiness, which is priceless. It brings joy
all around and life appears brighter and brighter. Its fragrance spreads far
and wide. Trust keeps us in a positive mental framework. When you trust each
other you feel self-confident. The feeling of believing others is electrifying.
It not only provides sense of security but provides us new zeal to fight the
vagaries of life. Trusting each other gives us a sense of deep bonding. It
signifies that we are united to fight the battles ahead.
2013년 11월 28일 목요일
“How do I connect to others?” is a
topic for the today’s blog. In society, people have to connect to each other to
communicate well and make better society.
I guess connection between person to person is really important, because
it can make them to have better communication and good communications lead
world to become stronger and having less problems. I also need a lot of
communications with friends and parents whenever I have problems that I can’t
solve very well on my own. Serious communication can really connect to other
people and me. Whenever I have problems, I usually use serious communication
with friends or parents. This serious communication can relive my mind and
sometime some advices from them can really help to solve my problems.
There is a step to get good communication from relationship
between person to person. First one is speak warmly. If
you drop the pitch of your voice and talk more slowly, the listener will
respond with greater trust. When we are angry, excited, or frightened, we raise
the pitch and intensity of our voices, and it varies a lot in speed and tone.
On the other hand, a warm supportive voice is the sign of leadership and will
generate more satisfaction, commitment, and cooperation between members of your
team. Then Be
brief. Limit your
speaking to 30 seconds or less. Our conscious minds retain only a tiny bit of
information. If you need to communicate something essential, share it in even
smaller segments— a sentence or two— then wait for the person to acknowledge
they’ve understood. If the person remains silent, say another sentence or two,
and then pause again. It also helps to write down major points before the conversation.
that, Slow down. Slowing down your speech actually helps people
understand what you are saying and deepens their respect for you. It's not as
intuitive as it may seem, and as children we automatically speak fast. But you
can teach a child to slow down by speaking slowly yourself because they’ll
match you. A slow voice has a calming effect on a person who is feeling
anxious, whereas a loud, fast voice stimulates excitement, anger, or fear
2013년 11월 25일 월요일
blog’s topic is “It is better to live in the city or town than to move from one
place to another.” Some people believe that staying at one house would be
better idea, because if people stay at one place only they are used to know
more about that one place and very friendly at one place. However, it is
limited to have more diversity of people and culture because staying at one
place can be described as staying at prison. Prisoners can know about their
prison a lot but they can’t know about outside life in order to stuck in the prison
which means staying at one place. If people travel around and meet a lot of new
people can be more helpful. Therefore, I firmly believe that traveling or
moving from one place to another would be the better idea than staying at one
place only.
2013년 11월 20일 수요일
Ten quotes
2013년 11월 17일 일요일
Today’s blog’s topic is “What is
happiness?” People in the world living today, even before they look for the
happiness of their life and perhaps happiness would be the most important thing
from their lives. People live the world to find happiness. Defining happiness
can seem as elusive as achieving it. We want to be happy, and we can say
whether we are or not, but can it really be defined, studied and measured? And
can we use this learning to become happierHappiness has different meaning to
every other people. Some people might think meaning of the happiness can be
love or some people might think meaning of the happiness is catching a dream of
their lives. What I think meaning of the happiness is just sounds like,
happiness is getting happy emotion in human’s body. Like whenever I play soccer
I feel happiness, because happiness comes from what people like. My friend
likes basketball very much so he can get happiness from it too. I’m living the
world to find ever-lasting happiness in my life and to give happiness to other
people like my family, friends and my other precious people. Right now I’m
studying in the school, because to find a happiness from future. I want to find
happiness when I get adult. If I study really hard at this period, I can go
good college and I would get happiness feeling later on. Also, my family wants
to put me in a good college too, so if I get accept from good college my
parents would be happy too.
2013년 11월 16일 토요일
2013년 11월 14일 목요일
2013년 11월 1일 금요일
What are the three qualities of true friends?

While we live in the world, we often face lots of problems, which cost a lot of time and energy to solve them. By having many experiences, people could become more skillful person to deal with other problems. However, I firmly believe that even though they are mature enough to solve many problems, it does not mean that they do not struggle from other problems. Not until they die, people are not free from problems, which mean that they should develop many ways to solve the problems ceaselessly. Some problems allow people to have better experience to develop themselves and provide acknowledge. Meanwhile, problems cause people to fall down deeper and deeper. It can be so hurtful on them that cause people downfall while they are getting experiences from their problems. Some people say that people should solve their problems by themselves, but I am against for the idea.
First, people can be strong enough to solve problems when they gather together; there is wide range of problems in this world. Some problems from someone else can teach people to be much strong and become more experienced person. We can become wiser by listening to wise people’s advice. We can learn many things from their advice: the key to the problems, helpful information, and even valuable lessons about life. This will help us later in life because someday, we will have to solve problems by ourselves. Meanwhile, there are some cases that even though some people have lots of experiences and knowledge, they can not solve some problems by themselves. Each people have their own certain experience gathered with lots of efforts. Therefore, if they share their problems and try to solve them together, it enables people to save their energy and time. Moreover, they can get experience and knowledge indirect way by solving them together.
Second, sharing the problems with others make this society become much better society. Nowadays, a lot of students and people influenced by media so many people are isolated from the community, which is so called individualism society. They can’t solve their problems, because they can’t be a creative thinker like other people who read books. People who read books can be a creative thinkers and whenever they got difficult problems, they can easily solve their problems, because they can make creative thinks. People who played and games can’t make creative solutions to solve their problems. People usually try to solve their problems by themselves, which cause big depression and more isolation and it makes problems worse. Even though many people are already in individualism, people can become happy by communicating with others expressing their emotions and feeling other people’s thought. In this sense I think that asking other people’s advices is essential for human life.

Third, it is better to ask older people for advice because they have lived longer and have many personal learning experiences to draw from. Therefore, they have more knowledge and are wiser. They can give us advice according to what they have experienced, which is very helpful because it is information that we do not know. Based on their tips and advice, we can solve problems easier and faster. Also, if we listen to many people’s advice, we can think of many solutions to the same problem. It is easier to solve problems when we have more knowledge.
As we’ve seen this above, asking other people for advice is the best way to solve problems. Like the elderly person and wise people can lead us to better way and solve our problems easily. The next time you have a problem; don’t hesitate to ask
2013년 10월 31일 목요일
What is the greatest strength of human?
2013년 10월 30일 수요일
School or Small School?
Today’s blog’s topic is “if you have choice between big school and small school, what would you choose? Hm… both schools have a lot of good advantages. Big school has a lot of students that we can improve our social skills. However, small school has a few students so that we can more focus on our academic excellence. What I think is big school has much good advantages than small schools. What I most like from big school is most big schools usually have a lot of students. If I have a lot of students or friends meet, I also have a lot of good advantages too.
Also, since these schools have the resources to do so, they can offer a greater variety of majors and courses. Even if you know what you want to study, it’s great to have lots of options for elective courses. This is a chance to explore subjects you probably wouldn’t have the chance to otherwise. And if you are lost on the major for you, you won’t be limited in your choices and may stumble upon the perfect fit.
2013년 10월 28일 월요일
What are the things that I would teach and not to teach to my children?
How would my children do differently?
Today’s blog’s topic is what are the
things that I would teach and not to teach to my children? How would my
children do differently? At first, I would marry at about 34~40 years old. I
would make 2 to 3 babies and at least I want to have one daughter and one son.
It was my dream since when I was young. Anyway, if I have my kids, I have
specific plan to teach them to be a great person. First, I would buy a lot of books
for my kids. I guess books are like resource of having success life. I want
tell how much books have powers. However, like I did, most people hate to
read books especially students and children. Children aren’t born with an
innate knowledge that text is read from left to right, or that the words on a
page are separate from the images. Essential pre-reading skills like these are
among the major benefits of early reading. When I have my babies first, I would
make them to feel not afraid of books. I will read them generously and ask a
lot of questions to make them to have lot of creative thinking. Also books have
lots of advantages. For example, like
Academic excellence, one of the primary
benefits of reading to toddlers and preschoolers is a higher aptitude for learning
in general. Numerous studies have shown that students who are exposed to
reading before preschool are more likely to do well in all facets of formal education.
After all, if my children struggle to put together words and sentences how can be
expected to grasp the math, science, and social concepts he’ll be presented
with when he begins elementary school? That’s why students have to a lot of
read books. Books have no any disadvantages, have only good advantages.
Besides that, I would teach them importance of playing
sports. I think for guys, the sports are essential thing for peoples’ lives
even the girls. Playing sports has also have a lot of good advantages. Sports serve as an excellent physical exercise. Those who play
sports have a more positive body image than those who do not. Sports often
involve physical activities like running, jumping, stretching and moving about
which turn out to be a good body workout. Playing sports is energy put to good
use. Engaging in sports since an early age strengthens your bones and muscles
and tones your body. It helps you increase your stamina and endurance. Sports
that involve jumping and stretching help increase height; for example
basketball. Games that involve running, kicking or throwing a ball help
strengthen the arms and legs; for example soccer and cricket. Swimming provides
a full body workout. Thus sports provide the body with complete exercise and
engaging in sports directly translates into overall fitness.
Research shows that sports improve Math skills in children. Sports that
involve aiming and hitting skills, for example, tennis, badminton, baseball and
cricket help them increase focus. They help develop leadership qualities and
foster team spirit in kids. They involve competition; they involve winning and
losing. This exposes children to both aspects of life, successes and failures.
Sports build a competitive spirit in children and teach them to be
participative irrespective of whether the result is victory or defeat. Playing
sports teaches them to accept both successes and failures with a positive
spirit. Sports teach you to think with a cool head. The most important benefit
of sports is the sportsman spirit they inculcate. Sports help you become more
sporting, more positive and stronger
2013년 10월 25일 금요일
Should SIS have uniforms or not?
the conclusion, I firmly believe that SIS should make uniforms to spread out
their cultures and pride to other people and places.
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