2013년 10월 25일 금요일

Should SIS have uniforms or not?
Today’s blog’s topic is “should SIS have uniforms or not?”Some people believe that wearing a school uniform make student looks uglier and bad. Also, some people would think that spending on school uniforms are such a waste, because at least students have to buy 3 or more same school uniforms to go school every day. However, I firmly believe that school has to have school uniforms. Wearing school uniforms has several advantages for students and for school too.
           First, wearing a school uniforms can save money. Like I said before, students would might think that spending money on school uniforms is wasting, because they have to buy same clothes (school uniforms) 3 or more to go their school every day. The reason why they have to buy 3 or more school uniform is they don’t have to wash frequently, because they have extra two or more school uniforms to wear. However, it is not true when we examine this problem carefully. If there is no school uniforms in school we have to buy several clothes to go to school. Most students want to wear a famous and popular brand clothes, for example, Nike, Adidas, Guess, Levis, and Puma.  Those clothes are much expensive than school uniforms and students have to buy three or more clothes to go school uniforms. From this, those clothes are much expensive than school uniforms so wearing a school uniforms in school actually save money for students and their parents. Uniforms eliminate the need to argue over what to wear to school everyday. Through simplicity, uniforms promote time efficiency, organization, and neatness. Parents and students agree that getting the morning off right is the key to a productive and happy day.
           Besides that, school uniform gives students a sense of pride as they know they belong in that school. Students can have a chance to feel their school’s pride and soul. Helping to build a sense of community within the school, uniforms create an atmosphere of belonging. This essence of unity can positively effect a child's attitude toward school and can lead to better learning and improved attendance. A child excited about school is a child ready to learn. Also, students can spread out about their school at outside with wearing their school uniforms. Most of the school uniforms have school’s symbol and its meaning so wearing a school uniforms are good chance or time to spread their school. The reputation of school can be made out by students, and school uniforms tell what students do at outside. If any crime happens outside of school, members of the public can identify which school they attend.  From this school uniforms can prevent from any crimes and bullies.

           On the conclusion, I firmly believe that SIS should make uniforms to spread out their cultures and pride to other people and places. 

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