My Favorite Trip
I can tell that my favorite trip in my
entire life would be Destino Peru .
Destino Peru is the school
events that having trip to the Peru
and all the high school students can prticipate, but not middle school or
elementary school students. It appears two years by two years and every
students who joined Destino Peru
before said it was amazing and interesting events that they ever had. I kept
wait for the starting day of Destino Peru which was June 12, 2013. I
prepared my stuff like visa, clothes( I borrowed winter clothes from my cousin
because, I was living in Saipan so I had no winter clothes.), food( I brought a lot of Korean food
because I thought that I will miss Korean food a lot while I am in Peru.) Finally
the starting day of Destino Peru
came and every student who were going were gathered together for checking their
baggage. After checking our baggage and we said goodbye to every our parents
and we were ready for the plane. However, the unpredictable happening happens
to us which were the plane problem. It was the plane that going to the Guam , nut the plan had some problems so we couldn’t get
up the plane for that day. Our plan was all messed up from this happening. Ms.
Mili, who was in charge of the Destino Peru, said we have wait one more day to
go Guam . It was really weird to me that I
already said goodbye to my parents but I have to face them again immediately. It
was pretty awkward to me. Anyway, we went back to our own house again and we
came back to airport again for the plane. We had to check our baggage again and
I got mad from this. I thought I was wasting of time from checking our baggage
again. I said goodbye to my parents again and I said I hope this goodbye will
be last goodbye for going to Peru .
Fortunately, plane was okay and we could get up to going Guam .

To get Peru , we have to go Guam , Hawaii , Texas , and finally Peru . There was no any plane that
goes directly to the Peru .
Having time in Plane was like 30 hours and it was really really really bored
and tired. After two days from Saipan airport, we finally arrived at Peru . My first
impression of Peru
was really really cool. I felt that Peru
has beautiful culture in it and the Peru has certain aura that I never
felt before. Peru was very
cold unlike Saipan ( Saipan is really hot
though.) In Lima and Arequipa ,
we went to school and the students from there were really fun and they
explained their country very well to me and I also explained Saipand and Korea to them. After
Lima , we went
to Lunahuana, and we did river rafting. River rafting in winter….. was fun and
kind of painful. River was so cold that I felt like my skin was freezing by
cold water.

The most memorable memory that I ever remember in Peru was went
to the Machu Pichu. I learned that Machu Pichu situated on a mountain ridge above the Sacred Valley
which is 80 kilometres (50 mi) northwest of Cusco and through which
the Urubamba
River flows. The Incas built the estate around 1450, but abandoned
it a century later at the time of the Spanish Conquest. Although
known locally, it was unknown to the outside world before being brought to
international attention in 1911 by the American historian Hiram Bingham.
It had beautiful scenary and I couldn’t believe that how they built Machu Pichu
in long time ago that has no any particular technology in earth. If I have a
chance to go Peru again I
want to experience one more time and I want to recommend to everyone that Peru is the
best country for having trip.
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