2013년 8월 24일 토요일

           My Seven Deadly Sins
             Today I’m going to talk about my seven deadly sins. I made a lot of sins in my life and I decided to get rid of these sins, so my life would be joyful and never worrying. One of the my seven deadly sins would be laziness. Laziness ,in many cases, leads to poor health, low self-esteem, lack of hope, and low self-confidence, among other things that I just don't see. It also robs a person of a sense of accomplishment, a sense of self-worth, and self-development. Second, I play computer games often so it is also my one of the deadly sins that I have to get rid of. Playing games do not need much physical activity so it can be harmful to our bodies. So it could be criticized for making you unfit. Many other games are aimed for single player and so could be criticized for isolating me from family and my friend for many hours.
            My third deadly sin is eating fast food too much. Fast food products are often rumored to cause a  variety of health problems. Ingredients that are artificial, high in sugar or fat are not meant to be eaten on a regular basis. Consuming these ingredients regularly can lead to health issues including heart disease, diabetes and cancers. Being aware of these effects is essential to determining whether fast food is safe to include in your diet, particularly if you suffer from heart or digestive issues already. Fast food is often filled with ingredients such as soya, salt, cheese or mayonnaise and is often deep fried, which adds a lot of extra calories without adding any additional nutrition. Given the high amount of calories, it will take a significant amount of exercise to burn off the calories you take in. For example, it would take 7 hours of exercise to burn off the calories in a large Coke, fries and a Big Mac from McDonalds. Consuming this high level of calories without burning them off can lead to additional health issues. My fourth deadly sin is I use smart phone too much when I compared to other kids. Smartphone owners myself included become so immersed in a text, email, game, web search, social network or whatever we do on our smartphones that we end up not paying attention to the world, people and conversations that are taking place around us. My phone may be smart, but the constant use of  my smartphone could be dumbing me down. Think about it. Back before smartphones, you would use your mind to try and solve a problem or answer a question. Today, when you want to know something, you turn to Siri for the answer instead of taking the time to think about it yourself.
             My fifth deadly sin is I get mad very easily. Whenever I face the problems that I don’t want or I hate, I got mad at those problems first and I blame people who are in around those problems. So, people who got blames from me get mad too and Our relationships also getting worse because of this. I have to do meditation and yoga a lot prevent my madness and to make body calm down and make less stresses. My sixth deadly sin is I don’t have ambition right now. I have no certain goal for the future and it would be disaster for me. Deciding goal for my life would be advantages in every way like studying hard, efforts, and goals and ambition can make my future life being precious. My seventh deadly sin is I listen too many songs and it can be distraction for my life. At my period, I have to more focus on studying and deciding my future not wasting of time like listening music. Those are my seven deadly sins and I have to them to be clear out from my life so my life would be much joyful and happy.

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