My favorite super
There are a lot of powerful super
heroes around the world, and they usually save people and world from atrocious
villain. Such as Batman, Ironman, Wonder woman, Superman, wolverine, Hulk, and
Thor etc… Among those super heroes, I can say that my favorite super hero is
Ironman. Ironman is a super hero that wear a hand made suit ( suit that has
really powerful armor, can fly, and able to have lot of weapons like lasers,
bullets, and bazooka etc…) , made by Anthony Tony Stark. I will tell brief
story of Anthony Tony Stark that why he decided to be a super hero.
Anthony is"Tony" Stark was born to Howard
Anthony Stark and Maria Collins Carbonell Stark, who were parents of Anthony
Tony statk and they were the owners of the big company, prominent US firm,
Stark Industries. As a boy, Tony was good at building and controlling machines.
At the age of 15 Tony entered the undergraduate electrical engineering program
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and graduated with two master’s
degrees by age 19. Tony went to work for Stark Industries, but showed more
interest in living a reckless playboy lifestyle than using his engineering
skills. At the age of 21, Tony inherited Stark Enterprises when his parents
were killed in a car accident secretly orchestrated by rival corporation Republic
Oil. Still lacking in business acumen, Tony promoted Secretary Virginia
"Pepper" Potts to be his executive assistant to make company as a
stable company and he could avoid his burden.
personally went to have a test of his military hardware at one of his
international plants which was located at other country; however, soon after
his arrival Stark’s party was attacked by a gang of terrorists led by the
Sin-Cong revolutionary Wong Chu. They shoot type of bazooka that has little shrapnel
in it so, during the skirmish, a piece of shrapnel lodged near Tony’s heart. Wong
Chu took Tony Stark back to his camp; Tony shared a cell with Professor Ho
Yinsen, a world-famous physicist. Wong-Chu demanded that the two scientists
develop advanced weaponry for his forces. Knowing that he could not live long
with the shrapnel so close to his heart, Tony proposed that he and Yinsen
devote their gifts to creating one of the battlesuits he had been developing,
equipped with a magnetic field generator to prevent the shrapnel from reaching
his heart. The armor they created became the first true Iron Man armor and was
equipped with crude magnetic weaponry for defense.
While the armor’s battery was being
powered, some of Wong-Chu’s men attempted to break in on the proceedings.
Yinsen went to create a diversion and was shot to death by Wong-Chu’s men. When
the battery had finished charging, Tony went into battle as Iron Man and tore
Wong-Chu’s camp apart. He could beat everyone in the camp and the Iron man suit
was so successful. Eventually he could escape from the Wong-Chu’s camp and got
back to his country, USA.
After he came back to his company he realized that weapons should not made in
his company, because he found out that his company’s weapon kills a lot of
innocent people and he also realized from what Yinsen’s saying, “don’t waste of
your life with making weapons.” After he
thinks a lot, he changed his mind to save weak people to beg his forgiveness
that what he did before. He tried to improve his suit much better and better to
save weak people a lot. He became superhero by his own special talent not from
super natural ability. I got impression a lot from Tony Stark’s story and it
really gave lessons to me. Those are the reason why my favorite hero is Iron
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