What is the greatest strength of human?
blog’s topic is “what is the greatest strength of human?” In the world, every human
have their potential strength. Some people are have great strength in field of
sports, academic field, and engineering field. People are different and they
have their own powers that other people can’t do. Among them, however, I guess
greatest strength of human is love. If people have love in their mind, people
can do whatever they want to do. One thing we should all know about love. love
never hurts. it makes us happy, feel protected and valued, and wanted. people
hurt people: not love. now to answer your question "what makes love so
powerful?" is the fact that love conquers all. Love doesn't need you to
love. It's not affected by external locust of control. it will love you even if
you don't love. Love never hates. Love is never affected by any condition. That's
why love is so powerful,
For example, if some man love one girl that he love, the man
can do everything for the girl if he really really loves her. Love can make
people do everything. Love has really greatest strength compared to every other
thing. If students love one college and if that student thinks that college is
his dream college, he will study a lot to go there. I read one news article
that love can do everything. At least it makes them feel powerful...it gives
them confidence and makes them feel worth something...Love can cure everything.
Love through concentration of conscious mind of the person gets penetrated to
his/her subconscious level of mind, which is beyond control of the person. This
autonomous state of love in the person's mind makes it very strong. Love
is the only motive, according to my humble opinion, that makes us happy.
Therefore people living without love are bad and unhappy. The win win situation
of shared love, a love gift and received is the ultimate condition of our minds
and souls. The condition we all are seeking and hoping for. That’s why love is
so powerful; its power is hidden in our aim and personal motivation for
achieving the ultimate condition of our minds.
However, finding and getting love is became difficult problem
in the world. It’s important to find ever-lasting love from someone but it’s
hard to find because we can’t see people’s mind through inside. A healthy, loving relationship can enhance many aspects of
your life, from your emotional and mental well-being to your physical health
and overall happiness. For many of us, though, finding someone we want to share
our lives with can seem like an impossible task. But don’t despair, even if you
have a history of relationships that don’t last or if you feel burned out by
traditional and online dating, you can still learn how to find lasting love.
Finding a suitable partner is to
distinguish between what you want and
what you need in a partner. Wants are negotiable, needs are
not. Wants include the things you think you'd like in a partner, including
occupation, intellect, and physical attributes such as height, weight, and hair
color. Even if certain traits may appear to be crucially important to you at
first, over time you'll often find that you've been needlessly limiting your