2013년 10월 3일 목요일

If I were to be stranded, what three things will I bring?

Today's blog's topic is if I were to be stranded, what three things I will bring?. Stuck in the island would be terribly dangerous. There is a lot of unknown animals and bugs that they could kill me at any time. Also, there is not enough food that i can eat so I have to find a way that making food and stuffs. If I were to be stranded, I wuld be really scary because, there is nobody to help me and I have to do all things by independently. So I decided my mind that I have to bring three things to survive well from the island. 

Well, I guess I will must bring a lot of water first. Humans can't live without water and food and water is much important than the food. humans can live at least a week without food, but they can't live without water for 3 days. Humans' bodies are made of 70 % water so water should be essential thing for people. And also water has a lot of advantages too. First, i can use water to various ways. When I am thirst, I can drink water to avoid that situation and also I can cook the some food with boiling water. I think sanitation is also important rule for living healthy life. So I can wash some food with my pure and clean water to kill bacteria and get away from diseases. 

Beside water, I would bring lighter. Lighter can make fire itself and fire is also most important thing in our lives. Since long time ago, like period of when the cavemen conquer the world, fire was their wealth. After they found out how they could get fire, they were very happy to cook the food easily and fire also make people comfortable and warm when the outside is cold. In Ice age period, people couldn't live without the fire. An also I agree with this. The island usually gets cold outside and I would get sick from this. Fire can make me warm and I can sleep easily and comfortable. Island have a lot of bugs, especially at night time. There is mosquito, leech, and ants etc... I can avoid them with fire using ,because when I burn certain leaves with fire, it makes smell that a lot of bugs hates. Bugs will be fly away from me and they are not gonna hurts me. I can sleep well at night and sleeping well is good for reliving my body calm and no stresses. Not only that but also, I can cook a lot of food with a fire. Without fire, I always have to eat rare food and rare food usually has enormous of bacteria and they hurts me. I can use fire to food to be cook well and it make food much delicious and healthier.

Third thing that I want to bring is a lot of utility things. For example of fishing pole, I can use this to catch fishes. Fishes contains Vitamin D and protein and a lot of good nutrients. Eating fish make me to much healthier and I can survive well. Also eating good nutrients improve my immune system to work much well so I rarely have possibilities to get diseases. Another example for utilities will be weapons. In island there is a lot of fruits and animals that I can eat. With knife and sphere I can get those things easily rather than when I use my plain hands to achieve food. Animals and fruit also have good nutrients and delicious when I made them into a food. I will also bring big saw to build my own house there. I would make my own comfortable house and it will protect me from dangerous animals and weather. Being stranded would be dangerous, but if I bring these I can survive very well.

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