2013년 10월 2일 수요일

Define beauty
Today's blog's topic is define beauty. Everyone has their own perspective view of beauty. Most people decide beauty by physical part of humans' bodies. Some people think face is much important role for the beauty and some other people think body take much important role for the beauty. That's why handsome and pretty people are popular rather than ugly and fat people. For example of Hollywood actors and singers, they have huge amount of fans. Fans try to mimic them and respect them because they know the actors and singers has beauty. Also even from job interview, the judge tend to pick pretty or handsome people rather than ugly people even if they have same work abilities. Ugly people usually have no boyfriend or girlfriend so they tried to be beautiful and want to have beauty so they do plastic surgery to look beautiful. I think that this isn't right and world's view has to be change to outer beauty to inner beauty. 

As the old saying goes, the face goes 3 days, good body goes 3 years, but inner beauty or good mind goes forever.Like this inner beauty can make other people to be much beautiful. I read many articles that divorces rate increase day by day because of their wrong choice or feeling different each other's mind. if the one person has inner beauty in his or her mind, their relationship will goes forever. Inner beauty helps you appreciate outer beauty. Love is the thing that make inner beauty easier. Love someone else with inner beauty can make world much beautiful. If you love, appreciate and feel good about yourself, you would feel more confident about facing and interacting with other beautiful people in the world. Remember, outer beauty can give you a glance, it’s inner beauty that makes someone stay.
I would say that love is beauty. Like I said love is the resource of making inner beauty. People live in the world to find love. Parents love their kids, kids love their parents, students love teachers and friend, and boyfriends and girlfriend love each other. Like this world always looking for love and to achieve real love, inner beauty has to come out from people. Outer view can attract people for a moment but it doesn't goes long time. To make inner beauty, fill your thoughts with positive energy and inner beauty, you’d appreciate the things that are around you a lot more too. Even when you look at an inanimate object like a painting, or even a view of the ocean, it seems more beautiful to you because you see the beauty that overflows within you reflect in everything else around you.If you feel beautiful, your own self belief and confidence brings out a glow of beauty that no outer beauty can compete with. But if you feel ugly, your inner beauty will reflect the same idea and project it on your outer beauty. If you truly feel beautiful on the inside, you’d never seem unappealing to anyone else.

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