Do people from the past time are much friendlier than people are in today?
Today’s blog
topic is do people from the past time are much friendlier than people are in
today? Some people believe that there was racist at the past time and it can be
looks like people in the past are not much friendlier like now. However, I firmly
believe that people in present time are much friendlier than the past
Second of all, people now are willing to help the others for non-profit. Let’s take this website as a typical example. Here, linguistic scholars found enthusiastic teachers who review their essays, tell them what they’ve done wrong and motivate them to study harder. Besides, nowadays, there are so many humanitarian who spend time and money to help disadvantage children and people who suffer difficulties in life such as homeless people or people in disaster area. These days, there have been some strong debates on whether or not the people in the old days were more kindly than people nowadays. Different people have different opinions as regard this controversy. From my point of view, the people in the departed era were genuinely more friendly than people today. The reasons for this view goes as follows:
To sum up, based on the discussion above, we can come to conclusion that people’s lives are stressed and isolated nowadays. Those made them pay lesser attention to others. Differing from today, in the old days, the people have a relatively relaxed life, and could be more willing to concern about others..
In conclusion, I
strongly believe that people now are friendlier than, or at least as friendly
as, people were in the past. It is true that people now have less face-to-face
communication, but they still give the others a nice treatment in different
ways: they share their asset; they help each other; and they treat the others
as politely as possible. Using high technology and telecommunication means,
they still deliver a beautiful message: the message of friendship.
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