2013년 9월 30일 월요일

What do you want on the tombstone?

             Today’s blog topic is what do you want on the tombstone? I guess I want to die at around 80~90. Before I die I want to do everything that in my bucket list like traveling around, marry, play soccer with famous real soccer player, and going to Himalaya Mountains etc… After I accomplish that bucket list and I will die with no any regretting or feeling upset of getting die. If I die, I want to make my tombstone at my hometown which is Korea. Korea has a lot of beautiful scenery like mountains, forest, ocean, and stuffs like those. I want to locate my tombstone at mountain not near the sea. I want my tombstone to be located at the grass and I want to take a rest at peaceful forest when I die. I want to be located next to my parents’ tombstone and wife tombstone.

             In the tombstone I want to write letter about my life story and love letter of how much I feel appreciate of parents and my family and wife in my tombstone. For my life story, I want to put my school life story. Mostly I went to the school in Saipan, and I can say that Saipan made me to have a lot of firm memorable memories that goes forever. I made a lot of friends in Saipan and life in Saipan was really amazing and wonderful. After I put that, I want to put story about my family. I want to put my marriage life and my beautiful wife and children. I want to put how I meet my wife. I will put my advice for my family and teach them that how they are going to survive in the world without me. I want to make tombstone to with gold. I will make my tombstone to be looks cool and shiny. I want to make my tombstone to be look like a legend tombstone.

         Many people feel sad from someone's death and there is some people always miss someone who died earlier even the time went long long time. I want to be that like a person. I want to be a person that someone will always miss me. For example of Martin Luther King Jr, and Abraham Lincoln. Most American people them even they died long long time ago. They helped black people to live well on the America and it really make America to be stable and peaceful country. I can tell that Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr made America to be much beautiful country than before. I want to be those kind of people. People remember and respect forever even when I die. This is my goal to be person like this.

2013년 9월 28일 토요일

The television has greater effect on people in people’s life than telephone has?

           Today’s blog’s topic is “the television has greater effect on people in people’s life than telephone has?” My answer from this topic probably will be no. Since, 1970, the television is the most general electronic things until 2000 and many people said that television has greater effect than phone. Long time ago, like 1980 to 1990 the world has a color TV and TV has been innovating a lot at that time. However, there was no telephone and there was only walky-talky and it really doesn’t have lot of function that people can do. The walky-talky can only contact people but no message or watching TV (DMB) stuffs like that. However, at that time TV was really popular things and many people felt jealous of people who have television at their house. Like this, TV was most effective thing in the world and TV tells a lot of information too which means it was really effective to people and word.

           These days, a lot of smart phones came out and most people in the world have smart phones in their pocket and it becomes essential thing for them. The smartphones came out from Steve Jobs who was boss of Apple Company and he made a lot of people get surprised and he gave attraction of how smartphones are good. He made a lot of functions and innovate that TV can’t do and he puts a lot of efforts in it. Right now, smart phones became the most effective things in the world. The Samsung Company also made a galaxy series and these series innovate day by day and majority of people use this. The functions of smart phones are really various which can watching TV program without actual TV, can watch news or can read newspaper, and SNS from smart phone is really popular around people and it became really effective. Some studies indicate that internet from smart phones is pretty effective and children can be benefit from it and also can suffer from it. I read some article about the education programs are really beneficial things for the children and it really helpful for them to be grow up to good kids.

However, in smart phone there is an also violent thing in there which includes violent videos that ranked rated R and also some cyber bullies can occur from the internet from smartphones. From this information, I can tell that smartphones have really big effect on people. Some people died from cyber bullying from SNS which means smart phones can take away people’s lives. Even from the restaurant or in the house, there is few communication from those places and even communication from family declined because of spending too much time on smart phones. And also smart phones harm people’s health problem because people don’t try to take an exercise in outside, because they spend a lot of time on using smart phones in home. To avoid from this situation, people have to decrease spending time on using smart phones too much and also electronic shock from smart phones can harm people health problem. So people have to do an exercise at outside rather than do smart phones at home alone.


2013년 9월 21일 토요일

Define success


           Today’s blog’s topic is define success and what is meaning of success to me. For me, success is finding everlasting love for my whole life. So I can say that meaning of the success is finding love from the world. Love can be find everywhere and especially from my family. To success my life I have to do good behavior for my parents and my goal is make my whole family to be happy forever. This year, I decided my mind that I will never complain to my mom for anything as possibly I can. I know that my parents spend a lot of time to raise me since when I was baby and until now, and I really appreciate that. When I grow up, I will make them happy forever and that thing will be difficult but I will try best for making my parents happy. Right now, I’m student and my job is study hard and behaves like a student not like adult. To make my parents happy will be study hard in high school and try to not behave badly for now. And my goal is go to good university and make my whole my family happy and not only that but also don’t make them worry anymore when I became an adult.

           Like I said, meaning of my success is finding love in my life. Right now I don’t have girlfriend and it’s kind of sad to me. However, actually I don’t need girlfriend right now because I have to put a lot of efforts in my school and student life. So what I want is find love when I became an adult which means when I go college. Finding a girlfriend would be really difficult. However, if I success to make, I think I will really have good and happy moment and living in happy life. What I really want to do with my future girlfriend is have a world trip together and make firm memories. The country that I really want to go is England and France. Those countries are part of the Europe and I never been to Europe and this is the reason why I really visit there. In England I want to watch soccer games which are from England premier league. I want to see how Wayne Roony plays soccer and his skills. I don’t know my future girlfriend hates soccer or not, but still I want to watch a soccer game with my girlfriend. My favorite thing is eat chicken while I’m watching soccer and if I eat chicken with my girlfriend will be much better than when I eat chicken alone.

          My trip plan in France will be different case compared to England. If I visit to France What I really want to do is visit louver museum and watches a Mona Lisa and feels beautiful artistic feeing. I like to draw since when I was a child and I really liked numerous Vincent Van Gogh’s drawings. I want to feel beauty of arts from France and also I want to see how big the Eiffel tower is.  I want to go there with my future girlfriend and it will be never ending happy moment from my life. So meaning of success to me is finding love and those are the way that I can find love from there.

2013년 9월 19일 목요일

My Bucket List

Today's blog's topic is My Bucket List, My essential list from the bucket list would be parctice soccer a lot so I can score a lot in the game. I'm going to Philippine this year and I hope to our team to win the competition. My position in the soccer game is usually midfielder and it needs a lot of energy. For example of Ji Sung Park and Christiano Ronaldo, they have never ending stamina and they run the field continuously to win the soccer game. Stamina in the soccer game takes really important role. However, I'm lack of stamina and it is a problem. My position need a lot of stamina, but I can't run a lot to get the ball anytime. To improve my stamina, I have to be a early version person, which is wake up early and also sleep early. Then my body can be fresh every time. Also, I will run around my house to improve my stamina. Running a lot is the most help key for the stamina. I'm really exciting to going Philippine and I want to score from there to impress a lot of people in there and also make my team to win the competition. Many different teams will participate in it and i think it's going to be hard but I will put efforts on every games that I play.

Beside soccer  I have another thing in my bucket list, which is getting into a good college. First of all, after I get into a good college, my parents will be happy from it. I usually want to make my family happy at any situation and making other people to be happy is most fun thing from my life. Also I have a lot of opportunities to get a job or achieve successful life, if i get into a good college. It's kind of sad but most people judge people by whether got into a good college or bad college. A lot of people prefer people who got in to a good college rather than bad college because getting into a good college proves that it gives opportunities. Therefore, I want to go to a good college to have a lot of good difference choices and opportunities. 

My another list from bucket list will be travel around the world . If I have a chance to go several countries that I want to trip, I would take that chance. I believe that there is lots of things that I still need to learn in the world. I never learn about different cultures from different countries, so i want to learn how they live from there and history and people etc... I went to three another country beside my home country Korea, which are Japan, Peru, and America. I think I learned a lot from there after I get back. In Peru, I met a lot of friends and people there and I learn and feel different things that I already knew. It was very different from my thought and it was new too. This is my bucket list and I want to make this happen.

2013년 9월 16일 월요일

If I were to have one super power, what would it be?

Today’s blog topic is if i were to have one super power, what would it be? If I have super power I will hesitate to choose to be a bad person or good person. Super power can be use with many different reasons like superhero or villains. For example of movie X man, there is good super hero and bad villains and they do all have super power. I think super power depends on human's mind. If they want their super power with good purposes or bad purposes, it's all depends on their mind. Some people want to use super power for bad purposes like stealing things, be invisible and do crime and also murder with strong super power. However, I want to use a super power with good reasons. Not for bad purposes. If I have super powers I will try to not against the rule. 

The first ability that I want to have is controlling electricity. The world need energy to make good community. People need electricity for their stuffs like microwave, TV, computer, cellphone, air conditioner, and refrigerator etc... The electricity became the essential thing in the world and people need it at anytime and at any situations. Not only that also, we use electricity to pure the water. The human's body contains 70% of water and it means water is also essential thing for the people. If there is no electricity, people have to drink dirty water and it will contaminate people. People will be starve and sick if there is no electricity in the earth. So I chose to have ability of controlling electricity, because I can save resources of the earth as possibly I can and also I can help poor countries who actually hard to get electricity at their home. Like Saipan, the island that I live in right now, sometimes my house get power off for no reasons. If that happens I will use my super powers to turn back on and it would be comfortable for my family and me. 

Another ability that I want to have is time manipulation. Having this power is like having multiple powers. I can move forward through time and learn the future. I can slow down time, which from everyone else's perspective would be you have super speed and super reflexes. I can freeze time and move myself or objects to different places, to everyone else it would seem like you can teleport myself and objects. I always curious avout history and I always really want to go back to history and see what happen. Like in the Ice age, I want to see if there is evolution or not. I also want to see a lot of dinosaurs and want to investigate. After i investigate, I want to tell the people in present time that how the dinosaurs looks like and how are they come out. 

2013년 9월 11일 수요일

Should SIS allow students to use the cell phones during school day or not?

Today's topic is Should SIS allow students to use the cell phones during school day or not? I firmly believe that school which is SIS should ban cell phone usage.  Since long time ago phones has limited functions and people could use phone to only contact or message other people. People couldn't watch with their phone and also they couldn't connect internet with their phone. However, as time passed, Steve Jobs gave idea about smartphones to the world. Smartphones could do anything. People can connect internet if they have Wifi ( now, wifi is common at anywhere and phone can detect wifi easily.) with using internet, they can get a lot of information that they need, for example, find good restaurant, navigation system, watch TV etc... People knew smartphones are key of the comfortable in their lives, and smartphones became popular among the people. So that, a lot of big company trying to make smartphones and especially Samsung company actually success to spread their phones to other people. Samsung company made Galaxy series and many people like it. Majority of people now using galaxy series or Apple smart phones. Smart phones are the key of comfortable life of people, but those smart phones can also harm the people's lives especially to students and schools.

Smartphones has both advantages and disadvantages but actually most of the students use their smartphones with wrong and bad purposes. Majority of students want to play game rather than study or do their homework at their home. Basically, they download the game in their smart phones and play whole night time. It can really harm them and their grade will be drop naturally. And also a lot of games has unrealistic stuffs and inappropriate stuffs it also can infect their mental and it cause mental problem.  Smartphones are able to access the Internet, either through Wi-Fi or a data package. But data security is an issue. The apps you download and the passwords that you input into these apps and websites while on-the-go are often not secure, at least in terms of account privacy. This means that Internet access on an insecure network puts you at risk of identity theft and hacked accounts. That's why you should completely log out of apps and websites after you're done with a session. For the sake of convenience, many smartphone owners don't do so, however, leaving their data vulnerable to hacking.

I read one article that some students cyber bullied one of their friend with phone chatting and the victim students committed suicide. Also one of the biggest disadvantage of a smartphone is its cost compared to standard mobile phones. A smartphone costs considerably more up front -- on the order of a few hundred dollars, versus less than about a third of that cost for a standard phone. Smartphones also require expensive data plans, which most standard phones do not, making your monthly bill significantly more expensive. In the conclusion, student can't use their smart phones during school and also they have to decrease their time on spending using their smartphones. 

2013년 9월 8일 일요일

The three most important thing in life

                 In my life, the most important thing in life is family. Because of my family supporting me so I could live well without any pain. I always feel appreciate of my family especially to my parents. My dad always support our family and he always try to listen when I had serious problems. I think most of the dad in the earth are scary, but my dad is not. My dad always being nice to me and my brother and he's so generous to other people and I always respect him and sometimes think that I want to be a future dad like him. My dad and my hobby is also match which is playing golf. Whenever I go golf with him I feel happy and I also feel that he feels happy too.  To explain my mom, my mom is scary than my dad. My mom is usually being kind to me, but if I act like stupid or do wrong things she scold me and I'm really feel scared of that. My mom cook very nicely too, so whenever I eat her food, I always surprised of that and say complement to her. HMM!! IT'S SO DELICIOUS. If I say that my mom becomes happy more so she make another new delicious food. I have also one younger brother and he's really good at golf. He's young but he often win won the competition and the competition is including adults too. My brother want to be a pro professional golfer and I hope him to accomplish his goal

My second important thing in my life is my picture books. Picture books are dangerous and should be kept far away from people. Picture books has picture that show my story and life and pictures are symbol of full of firm memories that I have to carry  forever in my mind. Looking old pictures can refresh my mind again and whenever I feel sad or lonely , I can relieve myself by watching my old pictures.  And also if I marry and have a children, I want to tell my story to my children. It would be fun to tell a story and children will also like it and learn from it. those imaginative stories and artsy illustrations in picture books might inspire children to be creative. Sure, every study has shown that art helps children do better in academics and life. 

The third thing is the soccer ball. My favorite hobby is soccer. I feel happy whenever I play  with soccer ball and playing soccer with my friends. I have a story about soccer is that, I moved to the new school and I had no friends and felt lonely. I was good at soccer at that time and I wanted to play with them. I had a chance to play with them and I score for my class and my classmates said complements to me. Soccer ball is the symbol of my good memories and those are the three things that I really think those ate the important in my life. 

2013년 9월 6일 금요일

Do people from the past time are much friendlier than people are in today?

Today’s blog topic is do people from the past time are much friendlier than people are in today? Some people believe that there was racist at the past time and it can be looks like people in the past are not much friendlier like now. However, I firmly believe that people in present time are much friendlier than the past
First of all, people now are ready to share their knowledge and material, not only to friends, but also to strangers. For example, there are so many forums where members upload books and share experiences: we have TOEFL forums, where people enclose free TOEFL lessons; we have IT forums, where people post the latest information about technology. Almost of members in the forum do not know each other, but they come to take and send necessary material to each other for free. Nowadays, people have become more isolated from others. Due to development technology, people can acquire a wide variety of information, and entertainment through TV or Internet at home. To be sure, technologies bring people a more convenient and comfortable life than before. Whereas, it leads people to a more secluded lives as well. At present, it’s an ordinary phenomenon that people, who live in a same neighborhood, barely know each other, even the people just next to the door. In contrary, in the old days, people used to chat and share their life with neighbors, and even acquainted with the folks several streets away.

   Second of all, people now are willing to help the others for non-profit. Let’s take this website as a typical example. Here, linguistic scholars found enthusiastic teachers who review their essays, tell them what they’ve done wrong and motivate them to study harder. Besides, nowadays, there are so many humanitarian who spend time and money to help disadvantage children and people who suffer difficulties in life such as homeless people or people in disaster area. These days, there have been some strong debates on whether or not the people in the old days were more kindly than people nowadays. Different people have different opinions as regard this controversy. From my point of view, the people in the departed era were genuinely more friendly than people today. The reasons for this view goes as follows:

Besides, people appear much busier today. The time they stay at their workplace is far more than that with their family or friends. They hardly have time for others, even their friends. On the contrary, the life, in the past days, is more relaxed. And people have more time to concern about others’ feeling.
To sum up, based on the discussion above, we can come to conclusion that people’s lives are stressed and isolated nowadays. Those made them pay lesser attention to others. Differing from today, in the old days, the people have a relatively relaxed life, and could be more willing to concern about others..

In conclusion, I strongly believe that people now are friendlier than, or at least as friendly as, people were in the past. It is true that people now have less face-to-face communication, but they still give the others a nice treatment in different ways: they share their asset; they help each other; and they treat the others as politely as possible. Using high technology and telecommunication means, they still deliver a beautiful message: the message of friendship.