Should SIS allow students to use the cell phones during school day or not?
Today's topic is Should SIS allow students to use the cell phones during school day or not? I firmly believe that school which is SIS should ban cell phone usage. Since long time ago phones has limited functions and people could use phone to only contact or message other people. People couldn't watch with their phone and also they couldn't connect internet with their phone. However, as time passed, Steve Jobs gave idea about smartphones to the world. Smartphones could do anything. People can connect internet if they have Wifi ( now, wifi is common at anywhere and phone can detect wifi easily.) with using internet, they can get a lot of information that they need, for example, find good restaurant, navigation system, watch TV etc... People knew smartphones are key of the comfortable in their lives, and smartphones became popular among the people. So that, a lot of big company trying to make smartphones and especially Samsung company actually success to spread their phones to other people. Samsung company made Galaxy series and many people like it. Majority of people now using galaxy series or Apple smart phones. Smart phones are the key of comfortable life of people, but those smart phones can also harm the people's lives especially to students and schools.
I read one article that some students cyber bullied one of their friend with phone chatting and the victim students committed suicide. Also one of the biggest disadvantage of a smartphone is its cost compared to standard mobile phones. A smartphone costs considerably more up front -- on the order of a few hundred dollars, versus less than about a third of that cost for a standard phone. Smartphones also require expensive data plans, which most standard phones do not, making your monthly bill significantly more expensive. In the conclusion, student can't use their smart phones during school and also they have to decrease their time on spending using their smartphones.
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