If I were to have one super power, what would it be?
Today’s blog topic is if i were to have one super power, what would it be? If I have super power I will hesitate to choose to be a bad person or good person. Super power can be use with many different reasons like superhero or villains. For example of movie X man, there is good super hero and bad villains and they do all have super power. I think super power depends on human's mind. If they want their super power with good purposes or bad purposes, it's all depends on their mind. Some people want to use super power for bad purposes like stealing things, be invisible and do crime and also murder with strong super power. However, I want to use a super power with good reasons. Not for bad purposes. If I have super powers I will try to not against the rule.
The first ability that I want to have is controlling electricity. The world need energy to make good community. People need electricity for their stuffs like microwave, TV, computer, cellphone, air conditioner, and refrigerator etc... The electricity became the essential thing in the world and people need it at anytime and at any situations. Not only that also, we use electricity to pure the water. The human's body contains 70% of water and it means water is also essential thing for the people. If there is no electricity, people have to drink dirty water and it will contaminate people. People will be starve and sick if there is no electricity in the earth. So I chose to have ability of controlling electricity, because I can save resources of the earth as possibly I can and also I can help poor countries who actually hard to get electricity at their home. Like Saipan, the island that I live in right now, sometimes my house get power off for no reasons. If that happens I will use my super powers to turn back on and it would be comfortable for my family and me.
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